
mciutil is distributed as a python package.

You will need a version of python installed to run the tool.

Python version 2.7 or 3.4 and above are supported. This will most likely work on Python 2.6 but no testing is done and no 2.6 fixes will be considered. Its time to move to Py3.

See for instructions on installing python on your platform of choice.

Once you have Python available, at the command line enter:

$ virtualenv mciutil
$ source ./mciutil/bin/activate
$ pip install mciutil

For Windows platforms:

c:> virtualenv mciutil
c:> ./mciutil/Scripts/activate
c:> pip install mciutil

If you start another command prompt after installing, you can make the commands available in the new session by activating the python environment:

$ source ./mciutil/bin/activate

or for windows:

c:> ./mciutil/Scripts/activate